This guide includes in-depth information about Online Purchase of QH Mobile products from Google Play store
1) Which Products are available of Quick Heal for mobile on Play Store:
Paid products of Quick Heal on Play Store are Quick Heal Total Security.
2) How to Purchase Quick Heal Product from Play Store:
Login to your play store account, Search for product like Quick Heal Total Security
3) Payment Methods:
You can use the below methods to purchase the product
4) Payment Receipts:
a) Once payment done you will get Purchase SMS/E-Mail from Google Play with Order Number
When a user purchases an in-app item, Google assigns the transaction a unique and permanent order number. Google Play provides that order number to you at the conclusion of the purchase flow, as the value of the Order ID field
b) You can also check Order History from your Play Store account
5) Process to install and activate Quick Heal :
6) Points to be remember :
A. If received Order number from Google Play store, but still unable to install and activate.
- Verify Purchase made from E-Mail ID for Google play store and configured E-Mail ID in Device should be same.
- Search QHTS in Play store and check which option it shows (Purchase or Install).
- If Install option present, try to install QHTS.
- If Buy now option present, collect Order Number for purchase made.
- Share Purchase Order Email on mobile.support@quickheal.com with issue details.
B. If received Order number from Google Play store, but unable to see the Premium validity.
- Verify purchase made from E-Mail ID for Google play store and configured E-Mail ID in device should be same.
- Open Installed QHMS in Mobile Go to >About Product – Check Validity, should be displayed as Premium.
- If Premium is not displayed, Enable the logs, try to update Virus Data base of installed Quick Heal.
- If issue persist again, click on Share logs along with Order Number & issue in comments under “Please enter issue detail here”.
* Follow below steps to generate logs..
1. To enable ‘Share Logs’ option in Contact Us screen (Tap 5 times on “Q” Logo)
2. Tick mark on ENABLE DEBUG LOGS box
3. Disable Internet connectivity.
4. Wait for 1 minute
5. Now Enable Internet
6. Wait for 1 minute
7. Go to>Contact Us option click on Share Logs
8. Share the logs to Support Team.
Note : Don’t re-install Quick Heal app in this case because Premium or Renewal information/transaction will be lost from the application.