1. Need to visit Quick Heal website for Online renewal: http://www.quickheal.co.in 2. Select ‘Renew’ option. It will redirect to below link: https://www.quickheal.co.in/quick-heal-product-renew 3. Enter 20-digit Product Key which you want to renew and click on Submit tab. It will redirect to next page on which user can see the First Activation date and Expiry date of Product key. Please refer the image as below: 4. Select the renewal period (1year / 3 years) and click on ‘Renew Now’ Option to proceed further. It will redirect into next page i.e.‘Shopping Cart and Billing and Payment’. (User can enter his details and Select Payment mode. Tick on "I agree to the terms and conditions" and click on "Checkout & Pay" to make the payment). Note: