Quick Heal Antivirus compatibility with ARM64-based system.

26-08-2020 00:04:07

Information about ARM64-based system:

ARM is a different processor (CPU) architecture. The ARM architecture is typically used to build CPUs for a mobile device, ARM64 is simply an extension or evolution of the ARM architecture that supports 64-bit processing. Devices built on the ARM64 architecture include desktop PCs, mobile devices, and some IoT Core devices.

Important: Quick Heal Antivirus is not supported on ARM64-based system.

Information about Quick Heal setup downloading on ARM64-based system:

Post downloading Quick Heal downloader from Quick Heal’s website, when user runs the downloader it auto detects operating system architecture (32/64 bit) and downloads compatible setup build.

However, with ARM64-based systems downloader downloads only 32bit setup file doesn’t matter what is OS architecture (32/64 bit)

Information about Quick Heal installation on ARM64-based system:

*32 bit Quick Heal setup installation:

On ARM based systems Quick Heal 32 bit setup will get installed, but due to current compatibility issues it may not function as expected. Installed setup may detect some inconsistency.

*64 bit Quick Heal setup installation:

Immediately after executing Quick Heal 64 bit installer setup file, below error pops-up

“This app can't run on your PC to find a version for your PC, check with the software publisher”

How to check Operating system type:

On your keyboard, press Windows key + R to open the Run window.

Type msinfo32 then click OK..

The System Information window opens. This shows information about your computer including the operating system and the system type of your computer.